• Praesent sapien velit

    Maecenas imperdiet, ligula et mattis feugiat, elit felis fringilla purus, eu pretium quam justo ac orci. Nunc congue, enim sit amet dignissim malesuada, metus purus aliquet nibh, non euismod urna urna ac libero. Aenean congue enim fringilla elit vulputate ut ornare massa aliquam. Mauris pellentesque odio et justo vehicula ullamcorper. Aliquam laoreet placerat massa vel [...]

  • Aenean velit risus, venenatis sed pellentesque ege

    Ut sit amet odio erat, ut rhoncus libero. Maecenas vestibulum dui et urna fringilla pulvinar at ornare nibh. Nam et scelerisque lorem. Class aptent taciti sociosqu ad litora torquent per conubia nostra, per inceptos himenaeos. Nam quis neque et elit congue luctus. Sed ultrices tellus at dui pellentesque vulputate? Phasellus molestie tincidunt convallis. Nullam turpis [...]

  • Suspendisse pellentesque, enim id consequat luctus

    Donec a imperdiet metus. Nunc id consectetur velit. Vestibulum et urna neque, eget tempus libero. Suspendisse ac neque eu nisi viverra blandit? Sed in urna at purus cursus adipiscing. Maecenas ac nibh odio, quis dictum dolor. Maecenas id velit eu velit tempor dapibus sed non tellus. Nulla quis nisi a turpis auctor volutpat. In mollis [...]

Tuesday, November 15, 2011

The design of laptop was proposed by......

     The invention of Laptop came from idea to develop a portable computer. Mr.Alan kay of XEROX Palo Alto Research Centre firstly proposed about the notebook-sized portable computer which should be available for everyone and named that portable computer as Dynabook. At  that time only he envisioned Dynabook with wireless capabilities. 

Wednesday, November 2, 2011

The first transistor computer

The TX-O (Transistorized Experimental computer) is the first transistorized computer to be demonstrated at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology in 1956.

The first computer with RAM

MIT introduces the Whirlwind machine on March 8, 1955, a revolutionary computer that was the first digital computer with magnetic core RAM and real-time graphics.

The first PC (IBM compatible) computer

On April 7, 1953 IBM publicly introduced the 701, its first electric computer and first mass produced computer. Later IBM introduced its first personal computer called the IBM PC in 1981. The computer was code named and still sometimes referred to as the Acorn and had a 8088 processor, 16 KB of memory, which was expandable to 256 and utilizing MS-DOS.

The first computer company

The first computer company was the Electronic Controls a series of mainframe computers under the UNIVAC name Company and was founded in 1949 by J. Presper Eckert and John Mauchly, the same individuals who helped create the ENIAC computer. The company was later renamed to EMCC or Eckert-Mauchly Computer Corporation and released.

The first stored program computer

The early British computer known as the EDSAC is considered to be the first stored program electronic computer. The computer performed its first calculation on May 6, 1949 and was the computer that ran the first graphical computer game.

The first digital computer.....

Short for Atanasoff-Berry Computer, the ABC started being developed by Professor John Vincent Atanasoff and graduate student Cliff Berry in 1937 and continued to be developed until 1942 at the Iowa State College (now Iowa State University). On October 19, 1973, the US Federal Judge Earl R. Larson signed his decision that the ENIAC patent by Eckert and Mauchly was invalid and named Atanasoff the inventor of the electronic digital computer.
The ENIAC was invented by J. Presper Eckert and John Mauchly at the University of Pennsylvania and began construction in 1943 and was not completed until 1946. It occupied about 1,800 square feet and used about 18,000 vacuum tubes, weighing almost 50 tons. Although the Judge ruled that the ABC computer was the first digital computer, many still consider the ENIAC to be the first digital computer because it was fully functional.